03 March 2011

Ew, I'm sorry, but when I enrolled in a course titled "Anthropology of the Evolution of Humans" I thought it would be interesting and not super science-y.  I was half right.  The lectures are bomb, but this? This is not.

"Know 3 physical characteristics that would distinguish the following Hominins from each other. Know the general date range when each of these populations lived. Know the geographic location where these fossils were found and the distribution of the population. Know who first found them or described them. Know the date range of the hominin populations. How would H. habilis and H. ergaster differ from the late Australopithecenes and Paranthropus species?  Homo habilis, homo ergaster, homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, homo sapiens neanderthalensis (haha HOMOS!)

Know the following tool traditions and the hominid they are associated with: Oldowan tradition, Acheulian tradition, Mousterian tradition, Levallois technique."

PS did I mention I got a solid 50% on the last test?  Great.  Go time.
PPS thanks, prof, for scheduling a 'mid term' week 9 on a FRIDAY.
PPPS of course this would be the lecture where the most obnoxious person on god's green earth decides to sit near me every single day without fail.  Summary: he has long frizzy red hair (hi carrot top was never a fashion plate, and even if he was, his stylings would have died out long ago), carries a messenger bag (okay ambiguous F.r.i.e.n.d.s character, circa 1992), wears those weird long-sleeved shirts that are really tight until the wrist where they flare like jeans (think: Bobby Brady), has a nervous compulsion where he taps his pencil on the side of his head repeatedly - all. lecture. long., and last but not least, in his gaybag he carries a LITERAL rainbow of lighters, one of each color (some I didn't even know existed), totaling probably like 15 lighters.  Nobody needs 15 lighters.  Nobody.

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