Revisiting a bit. Reminding myself of exactly what these locomotions of cognition bring. I've lived in a fairytale world, where mistakes aren't real and frowns don't exist, but that world just doesn't work in reality. It's time to remember, it's time to forget, it's time to attempt to grow up and move on.
12 February 2009
Hey paper plate, spin in circles like you used to when we'd make magic with colors like we still could. I'll close my eyes, you can go off someplace close and pretend it's far. Numbers will fill the air for a while until I stop, catch my breath, and try to find you. This is one of those games I've never been very fond of, guessing and checking only to realize I was wrong. So maybe I'll sit here instead, wish for clarity in the form of walls I can see through. Objects I can push away, barriers only I can break. I love the sound of your sigh, a reminder that you're the same as me. We all get tired, so maybe it's just time to sleep. Finally, let your eyes rest, shut down and give me some space to imagine. I'll suspend reality for you, for this, momentarily I might even feel like I could live like this. Dreading the time when we have to wake up, end this dream, begin the next day even before the sun decides to. This game is so much easier when played with two. I think we make a pretty good team, me and you.
18 March 2009
I'll remember you as a time of day. The time when the sun is creeping right above the treeline that I can see from your front porch. The sound of running water in your shower upstairs, and me, alone. I want to sleep but the day is ready for me and I should obey. Light footsteps so that nobody else wakes up earlier than they should be, take a look at myself in the mirror and can't help but laugh at my hair. The light's getting brighter and I've decided to climb back into bed, the time on the clock reads too early for me to even think about being alive. You ask me if I want this-and-that, I politely decline, I'm fine right here, thinking about whatever it is that was running through my head at that point in time. The way you move around, doing what you need to do before you leave, reminds me of a firefly. So bright even at such an ungodly hour, unspoken contentedness suddenly surrounds me and I just smile. You sit across from me and proceed to pack all of your little things into a bag to take with you, almost as if I'm not even there and you are the only presence in the room. To me you just might be. And all I can do is smile. I pull up the seat across from you as you finish whatever it is you were doing, I can't remember for the life of me because I was so engulfed in my own thoughts, but I do remember boiling water in a blue cup. Everything about you was so, you. And you were so great. I'll remember you as that time of day, early morning before the sun rises. Thank you for the memory, I really will keep you there. And this time... I mean it.
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